Τετάρτη 25 Ιουλίου 2012


ABV 9,0%
I had this one at a bar in my town, served with its appropriate glass. Usually I don't go for so expensive beers when I'm out (3-3,50 at the bar), but the rest of the options were not the best you could find, even for macro lagers. I took some quick notes back then and recently I found it in my local liquor store, so I got one bottle for 1,50. At home I poured it into my Chimay chalice.

330 ml bottle, poured into its original glass. Deep golden colour. A little hazy on the second pour. Huge head, going down slowly untill it becomes a thin layer on the surface. Leaves some light lacing around the glass.
Aroma is fruity , with obvious banana notes. Dark fruits too, plum and dates.
Taste is sweet, with the dark fruits very obviously there. The high ABV gives a warming feeling and although is very nicely concealed, you will feel it.
Thick body and quite carbonated .
Overall another specimen of great Belgian beer.

  Those are the notes I took back then. As you will see on the next photo, the head on a chalice from "huge" becomes just one finger in height.Also, scratch that "deep golden colour", I guess it's a term I should reserve for pilsners, but I wasn't alone there and I was trying to write everything down as soon as possible, so this was what crossed my mind first while someone was talking to me. Today I would say "pale -or light - honey colour". It was more clear on the first pour though as I write, but probably because with the second pour the yeast got into the glass, same happened at home.
On the aroma I would say that now the dark fruits are more obvious, instead of the bananas, and some clove too. That concludes the main differences between a pour at the bar and a pour at home, I guess.None extreme difference in order to change my grading for this one.

look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4

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