Τρίτη 31 Ιουλίου 2012

Leffe Tripel

ABV 8,5%
Bottle of 300 ml. At home, poyred into my Chimay chalice.
This beer has a honey liked colour, very hazy. One finger of off-white head that quickly was reduced into just a thin layer on the beer's surface. leaving heavy lacing behind. 4
An amazing strong aroma of dark fruits, plums mostly, and some banana and apricot notes.
The taste is sweet with the fruity notes much more noticeable. It leaves a nice bitterness behind. Unfortunately it also had a slight metallic taste, but maybe it's just my bottle, since I had it a couple of times before and I don't remember it having it.
Rich and full body, average carbonation. The alcohol certainly distinguishable, if not at first, certainly when the beer starts to warm up a bit. Dry on the palate.
A really great beer.

look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4

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