Τρίτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Budels Organic Pilsener

ABV 5%

Best before 3/2013.
This beer is made of organic ingredients. The lat biologicI tried was quite disappointing, so let's see if it was just that or all the bio beers taste equally bad.
Standard dutch bottle of 300 ml, poured into a nirmal glass.Golden yellow colour with a small white head, one finger in height, quickly gone,leaving just a thin strip around the beer's surface. Average activity in the glass.
Nice aroma, a bit hoppy, but other than than I couldn't perceive anything else.
Taste i very nice too, on the bitter side. A great difference from my previous bio-beer, which tasted more like wet hay. This one is actually pretty good.
Nice body, medium thick and just the right amount of carbonation.
Overall, I found this one pretty decent brew. Usually when something is biologic or made with organic stuff, it doesn't have any taste or it tastes really bad, but that was not the case with this beer. Too high of a price for a pilsner though, so I don't see myself buying any time soon in the near future.


look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5

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