Τρίτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Jopen Trinitas Tripel

ABV 9%

Bottle of 330 ml, with a long neck, pretty similar to the bottles of american beers. From the back label, roughly translated "This is a beer with three grains, Trinitas is the Trinity (the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit). In Germany according to the beer purity law, the holy trinity is water, malt and hops. Our own unity of three is barley, wheat and oats". 
First smell as soon as I opened the bottle, was yeast, with a fruity aroma following straight away. Once poured into my chalice, it gave me a one and a half fingers of off-white, short lasting head, creamy in texture. It left me with some heavy lacing around the glass. Colour of the beer was deep orange, slighty hazy.
Aroma is not much different once poured than it is when you first open the bottle. Bready at first, with a fruity smell following, mostly those fruits being peaches and apricots. Some alcohol smell lies beneath them, but it;s very faint and is only traceable if you really insist to perceive all of the aromas.
Alcohol is much more obvious on the taste though. Some of the apricots can be found on the taste as well, alog with some caramelized malts, the latter being quite weak, or balanced, if you prefer, with the drying, bitter finish of the hops.
Medium thickness on the body and average carbonation.
Overall, it was a good beer and I quite liked it I must say, although I didn't have enough time to really enjoy it, not that it would make any great difference if I did. Nothing to be really excited about, but a decent and honest tripel that won't disappoint you.

look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5

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