Δευτέρα 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012


ABV 4,5%
Part of a BEERS OF THE WORLD package. I had this one before during holidaying in Mexico, only from a can back then. 
First things first, a long neck bottle of 355 ml, best before 2013, ABV at 4,5%, with only a front label. Ingredients are written in german on the label and except from the usual water, malts and hops, includes also rice and papain. 
Once poured it gave me a golden yellow beer, with one finger of head, with an average retention. Head leaves a thin layer on top of the beer once gone, no lacing whatsoever though.Medium activity in the glass, in the form of bubbles. 
The smell was quite sweet and mostly of malts. I can't really smell any rice grains, but at least it doesn't have the corn smell I had experienced when I drunk it from a can. Corn is also abscent from the taste, it's so much different from the one I had back there. This one has a sweet malty taste and is as easily drinkable as any other lager, with a very discreet bitter aftertaste.
Thin on the body with moderate carbonation. Dry on the palate.
To conlude, this was so much different from the one I had from a can, I would prefer it over Corona and Sol  any given time.

look: 2.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3

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