Τρίτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Vitalis Malt 0,0%

This is advertised mostly as a healthy energy drink, although on its commercial description states clearly that is a beer. I consider it to be a beer too, since it contains water, barley malts and hops, more importantly. A non-alcoholic one, but still, a beer. From an internet search I only found suppliers and that is made in Germany, from whom and where exactly I haven't the slightest idea.
Small bottle of 330 ml, poured into a standard glass. It produced a very dark brown beer, almost black. Non transparent at all.One finger of beige head, with low retention that leaves light lacing.
Aroma is very sweet and quite unique. I can't really tell what this smell is but it may be coming from the glucose/fructose syrup.
On the taste is very sweet, with some corn traces, although it doesn't contain any, at least according to the label, so I guess is once again the syrup responsible for this. Sweet on the aftertaste too, but much less now.
Medium thickness on the body, with almost non-existent carbonation, which is weird because even now I can see lots of bubbles rising to the surface. It goes down just like water.
Overall I am pretty confused with this one, I liked the appearance and the aroma, taste wasn't that bad but on the other hand I felt like I was drinking a soft drink that had gone flat, something that I didn't have with other non-alcoholic beers.

look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2.5

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